How to Tell Your Parents You Are Moving Out

Summary: What do you do if you want to move out of your parents' house? Give open and honest answers as to why you've made this decision, but stay mindful of everyone's feelings. Choose the right timing, right setting, break the news, have an in-depth conversation with your parents.
How to Tell Your Parents You Are Moving Out

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Moving out is a natural phase in every young person’s life. You know it’s going to happen, your parents know it’s going to happen, the problem is you just might not agree on when.

If your parents aren’t pushing you out the door as soon as you turn 18, or once you graduate college, you might have to take a firm stance on when it’s your time to finally leave the nest.

Just remember that how you tell them is the most important part, and typically requires a bit of finesse. Make sure you have a plan before telling your parents that you are moving out, and ensure them that it’s not because of them. Be mindful of their reactions and maybe even ask for a few tips.

It might also be wise to introduce them to any potential roommates, but one thing is for sure don’t EVER just leave. Whether you are moving down the road or out of state, you should never just leave your parent’s house.

You will need the help of your parents or at least out of state moving companies when traveling long distances, so this is definitely not a bridge you want to burn. These companies might be able to help you get your stuff from one place to another, but they can’t replace the support and love of your parents. Moving out is a big change, so before you make that move, there are a few things you should know first.

How much should you save up before moving out?

When you’re young and restless, it might be hard to think about the technical aspects of moving out, but money is always a factor.

If you want to move out and have the most success, don’t just move on a whim. Take a few months in advance to save before moving out.

The average amount recommended to save is typically three times your living expenses; so if you’re spending $1,000 a month on rent/ utilities, have at least $3,000 saved. This will help with any emergency expenses such as car repairs.

While this number is helpful, it’s even more important to think about what you’re saving for. This requires thinking about a few things.

  • Bills: Most importantly, what bills will you have and can you afford them? Your phone might have been graciously awarded to you by your parents, but is it a luxury you can afford? Bills never stop and they are a significant part of living on your own.
  • Debt: Debt might be the least enjoyable thing to pay for, but if you have it, you have to pay for it. When saving, it is important to analyze how much debt you have and maybe even pay it off before moving out.
  • Emergency fund: It is highly recommended to start our life with an emergency fund. This way, whenever you don’t have to use it, you get to add to it and it just grows with you. An emergency fund could make or break your ability to live on your own.
  • Deposits: Rent is one thing, but have you considered all the deposits that go along with rent and living on your own? Your new place will no doubt charge a security deposit that is nearly as much as the rent, as well as application fees and other hidden fees. Utility companies will sometimes require deposits as well.
  • Roommates: Instead of thinking about what you should save, consider what you could save, every month, with the help of a roommate. Roommates are one of the best ways to save money when you’re first moving out. It helps to share the financial responsibility with someone, instead of leaving it all on your shoulders.
  • Credit score: Whether or not you know it yet, you have a credit score. Part of saving enough money to move out can contribute to maintaining or preserving your credit score. Failure to save could have a permanent impact on your score.

Can your parents stop you from moving out at 18?

Life at 17 might be one of the hardest stages to endure because you’re so close to adulthood, and yet it seems so far away. Once you’re 18, it feels like the whole world has opened up, including your ability to move out.

An individual must be 18 to legally move out of their parents’ house, but many young people fear that their parents might still try to pursue or find them, once they have left.

The truth is, 18 is the law. If you’ve moved out, you’ve moved out, but moving out without a parents’ knowledge or consent is also sometimes considered running away. When it comes to ‘running away’ or moving out, different states treat this issue differently. In many states, however, police officers won’t pursue a case if the individual is older and closer to 18.

So no, your parents can’t really stop you from moving out at 18, but they might try to advise you not to, and you should probably listen to their tricks and tips.

What is a good age to move out?

Eighteen might seem like the magic number, but ask any grown adult and they will probably tell you otherwise.

If you want to move out and not move back in with your parents someday, like 31% of millennials now, heed their advice.

There’s no doubt that at 18 we feel like we run the world, but you’re practically a completely different person at 18 than you are at every other major stage in your life. 18 is legal, but that doesn’t mean it’s smart. If your parents are kind enough to let you stay, stay for at least a few more years.

A better age to move out of your parents’ house, rather than 18, is 25 to 26, based on popular consensus. If you make decent money before then and can save money, then another common expectation is to move out after college graduation (around 21 to 22 years) so this is an acceptable age as well.

When you’re 18, you’re so ready to be independent that it can be challenging to see the pros of living at home, but by the time you’re 25 to 26, you’ll see living at home as only pros.

Just keep in mind that ‘freeloading’ for too long can come with some social judgment. Once coworkers find out about you living at home, it could affect your work life, and lead to questions.

How can I move out of my parents’ house with little money?

Once you are 18, it usually seems like the whole world has opened. It might, but what is there to do in the world if you have no money to pay for it?

In some cases, moving out of their parents’ house is a necessity for some individuals. In these scenarios, it is important to know it can be done, even with little to no money.

  1. Weigh your options. Whether you have money or not, before moving out it is always important to see what other options you have first. For example, if your parents are intolerable what about grandparents, friends, or other family members that might be willing to help you out for a little option. 
  1. Make a budget and stick to it. Especially when you have little to no money, the idea is, you don’t want to spend it. Creating a budget before moving out allows you to hold on to what little money you do have, hopefully, to be able to add to it soon. 
  1. Pay rent to your parents. Worst case scenario you can’t move out immediately, but you can prepare yourself for it. See if your parents are open to the suggestion of letting you pay them rent (most likely they will be). Not a huge amount and probably not even a real one, but something. This is a great trial run to see if you can really do it on your own and to show you how far or not, your money really does go.

Moving out of your parents’ house with little to no money can be done. Everyone has their stories, their unique way of doing it, so you know it’s possible.

Just remember, you don’t have to go it completely alone. You should always tell your parents that you intend to move out. They can provide more emotional and maybe even financial support as a worst-case scenario,

Then there’s also the question of getting your stuff from one place to another. Moving companies have the know-how on getting your stuff where it needs to go. Especially if you’re not just moving down the street from your parents (which most of us try to avoid), Pricing Van Lines is the best way to move out of the state. We are a moving brokerage firm that will do all the hard work and heavy lifting for you, by finding the moving company that best suits your needs.

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