When is the Best Time to Move

Summary: September through April is the best window for moving because moving services are more readily available. If you want to avoid the competition of summer housing prices or you want a discount on a rental, the best time to move may be in the autumn.
Best Time to Move - Pricing Van Lines

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Moving or relocating from one part of the country or cross country requires a lot of planning and logistics to be put in place so that you can have a seamless relocation experience. Most times, it is important to employ the services of a moving company to help you get the job done as they are professionals who know what and what not to do and they will be able to guide and advice you on the right way to go with your relocation plans.

When you decide to move, you need to have a moving checklist and you have to review your moving checklist from time to time until you eventually move. You need to start making plans on what are the items that need to be packed and packaged ahead of time and also decide on the time of the year, month, or week you will move.

The general question on the lips of most people is “what is the best time to move?” the answer to this question is not as difficult as people think it is. We will be looking at a couple of factors that should give you an idea of the best time of the year to move and also provide the answer to this popular question.

The issue here is that the right time for an individual or family might be the wrong time for another individual or family. It also depends on what each person or individual might consider the right or wrong time based on whether you are looking to cut moving cost or whether you are looking to make sure the right time is when it is convenient for your entire family member.

Whichever part of the divide you may fall, you will find the answer to the question “when is the best time to move?” as we will be breaking it down to what it takes to move in the Fall, Spring, Winter, and Summer. We will consider the upside and downside that may be associated with moving in these different seasons of the year.

Moving in the Summer, Spring, Winter, and Fall

The fact is that moving in each season has its upsides and downsides, whether you are planning to hire a professional mover or Do It Yourself, it is up to you to look at the ups and downs in each season and decide which of the seasons will best suit you in terms of your budget and plans. Now, let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages that come with moving in the various seasons of the year that we have.

Summer: Advantages of moving in the Summer

It is common knowledge that home-selling peaks in the summer, it is a good time to sell your home. The demand for homes at this period is on the high which means the price will also increase.

During the summer, school children are on break and most parents deem it fit that this period is the best time for them to relocate or move without disrupting the education of their children. Also, during the summer, we experience longer days which give people more time to organize and plan their move before night.

Disadvantages of Moving in the Summer

A major disadvantage of moving in the summer is that the cost of moving in the summer is high as more people tend to move during this period and there is more demand for movers.

Most relocations take place during Labor Day and Memorial Day and as such if you choose to move during these periods the rates from movers are high and it may take longer time for your belongings to be delivered as most trucks from the movers may have items of other people and they will have several stops and deliveries they will need to make before you get your belongings.

Another reason why it is not too good to move during the summer is the weather. During this season the weather is hot and humid. It is better to choose a cooler time of the year to relocate.

Spring: Advantages of Moving in the Spring

Fewer people tend to move in the month of March, April, and early May but towards the end of May, the demand begins to peak. This means that moving companies will charge less during the spring months as demand is less.

The weather between December to February is not always favorable as the weather during this period is harsh. Although spring weather varies from state to state most regions do experience favorable weather during the spring, the weather is mild and not too hot.

Disadvantages of Moving in the Spring

One major reason why people don’t like to move in the spring is that most school-age children are in school at this period with exams and end of year school activities all over the place. For families who have their kids in school, moving in the spring will not be a good idea.

Winter: Advantages of Moving in the Winter

Moving in the winter is reasonably cheaper than moving during the warmer seasons.

During the winter, kids are in school and the weather is not encouraging for moving during this period and as a result of this, there is less demand for moving companies and the cost of moving during this period will be cheaper as the moving companies will be less busy and they are likely to meet your moving schedule at this time.

You will have several options with which your movers can work due to less demand during this period.

Disadvantages of Moving in the Winter

The weather is the major downside to moving during this period because it is usually cold in winter. The snow, ice, and rain can come down at any time and this may result in not too suitable driving conditions for movers and individuals who plan a DIY move.

If you want to move in the winter, then you have to have extra logistics on the ground as a result of this it requires more planning. You will have to waterproof your boxes, salt the walkways, and another precautionary measure will have to be in place.

Fall: Advantages of Moving in the Fall

Moving in the fall has its advantages, the moving experience during this period is usually pleasant because the temperature is cooling down and it is less frigid.

Moving in September through November is a great idea for families because they will be able to settle into their new home during the December holiday season and by the new year, you are already used to your new environment and you should be feeling at home. For those who look to buy homes, this period of the year is the best time to buy homes as demand falls towards the end of October.

Disadvantages of Moving in the Fall

The fall is the start of the school year and for families with school-age kids, this period might not be the best time to move except they have it all planned out. If you have school-age children, it will be a good idea to avoid moving in fall as most people are prepping for the holidays, movers might have few weekend moves available during this time of the year.

Best Time to Move

Summing up all the pros and cons highlighted in moving in the Summer, Spring, Winter, and Fall, let’s take a proper conclusion on the best time of the year, month, week, and day to move. This sums up the answer to the question “when is the best time to move?”

Best Month of the Year to Move

If your definition of the best time to move has to do with cost, then the best time of the year or best month of the year is Mid-September through April. During this period, there is less demand for movers and the rates are low when demand is low.

The peak moving season stretches from Memorial Day through Labor Day Weekend with over 70 percent of moves taking place during the summer and spring. Due to the low demand, you will be able to save on a move during late September through April.

Best Week of the Month to Move

The best time of the month to move is in the middle of the particular month you have chosen to move. If you have the opportunity to avoid moving in the first and last month of the month, then that will be great for you, as I strongly recommend avoiding this period of the month.

The best time of the month to move is mid-month because the demand at this time of the month is low. The beginning of the month is usually busy for movers and the prices can be on the high side at this time.

Best Day of the Week to Move

The best day of the week to move is a weekday, try as much as possible to avoid moving during the weekend. Instead, schedule your move to fall on Monday through Thursday; avoid Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Moving rates increase over the weekend as the demand is high during this period especially during peak moving season; you might be incurring more than you have in your budget. If you move on a weekday, you will have the weekend to unpack and organize your belongings before the next working week.

Best Time of the Day to Move

The best time of the day to move is in the morning before things start to get busy. Usually, if you hire professional state to state movers, they will arrive as early as 8 am in the morning just because the weather is cooler especially if you are moving in the warmer months, also the road isn’t busy yet at this time of the day.

Proper Planning

When you want to relocate, the most important thing is planning, you need to have a to-do list with time frames. Start on time, start with packing your belongings in boxes ahead of time, start with items that you will not use like months or weeks to your move date, this will go a long way in helping you stay ahead of time.

Avoid leaving things to a later date, check your to-do list or moving checklist to tick off tasks as you get them done; that way you will be organized in the way you prepare for your move.

Other things to consider

  • Work: If you are moving a time that you have a busy schedule at work, you might want to move over the weekend but this will cost you more. If you can take a day off at work, then that will be a great opportunity for you to schedule your week for a weekday.
  • Family: You have to make sure that all decisions regarding your moving plans are made with every member of your family in consideration. If you have school-age children, you shouldn’t allow your move to disrupt their academics. For families with school children, it is recommended that they move during the summer when the schools are on holiday, this way you will not disrupt the kids schooling.
  • Weather: You have to select a time of the year when the weather is clement so that you can avoid additional planning. Moving in the winter, for example, will require extra logistics to be in place so that your move is not disrupted by rain and snow. Bad weather might not be too good for driving. Hence, it is important that you consider the weather conditions before choosing your move date.

In reality, all the conditions might not be ideal for you to move but it is important that you ensure that most of the factors are in your favor from the weather to the cost of moving. The best for individuals vary as it is subjective and it is dependent on the individual’s budget, family matters, location, weather, and nature of your job among other things.

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