Guide to Find Cheap Dorm Movers

Summary: There are moving companies that specialize in small moves only. Dorm movers provide full service college storage, student shipping and local moving for students. To find cheap movers for your dorm move, our guide will show the way.
Guide to Find Cheap Dorm Movers

Table of Contents

College, a fun place where learning and excitement go hand in hand. It is a place of self-discovery, an institute of higher learning, a place where you can truly be yourself. Not only does college help prepare you for your future, but it can also help you meet new friends, and even network with people who might be in your corner in your future professional life.

Of course, when your time at college is over, and you’ve got that new college diploma in hand, you’ll be preparing to move from your college dorm. When that time comes, looking for dorm room movers should be the first item on your agenda to get your big move underway.

No matter where they went to school, be it a community college or a state university, college students who stay in a dorm room should always have a plan for an easy move once graduation day has come and gone.

If you’re going to college in your hometown, then a local moving company will be a great option to get your dorm packed up and moved home. If you’re going to school in another state, however, then choosing one of the many high-quality cross country moving companies to help facilitate your move could be your best way to go.

So, how do you find the best and most affordable moving companies to give you a hand with your move when you’re finished with college? There are all kinds of great companies out there that will be more than happy to help you get your move completed.

Finding the Best Moving Company For Your Money

As a fresh graduate right out of college, your funds might be limited, and that is completely understandable. In order to find the company that will offer the best bang for your buck, you’ll need to know how to identify the best moving companies in your area, along with what type of services they offer.

Finding moving companies that suit your budget is a simple process if you follow some easy steps. To find the best nationwide movers in your area, keep these tips in mind.

Ask around 

Do you know any other students moving currently or have friends who have moved back home from college recently? These are some of the best people to ask for recommendations for a great moving company to help you facilitate your move.

Ask your friends what moving company they used, what their prices were like, and similar questions to see if you think the company could potentially be a match for you. Word of mouth and recommendations from people you trust are a great way to find good out of state moving companies to use. 

Check online for mover reviews 

There are not many companies around these days that don’t have a website or social media page (or both!) advertising their services. Do a search on your favorite internet search engine for movers in your area, and visit their websites and social media pages. Each of these pages should show you reviews from previous customers.

One of the best indicators of a great moving company is positive, glowing reviews from happy customers who have used the company’s services in the past. If you see a moving company with many good reviews, then you might be dealing with a quality mover. 

Call around and get multiple estimates 

One of the main things you should think about when you have found some good moving companies is working with the one that will best suit your budget. Call around to each moving company, let them know your unique situation, where you’re going, what services you require, and how far you are moving.

Each company should be able to give you a service estimate, and then you can narrow your choices down depending on your budget. This is the best way to find the best possible bang for your buck for moving.

There are thousands of college campuses across the country, and tens of thousands of moving companies out there ready to help out. The trick is finding the best one that can work with your budget and your own personal situation.

Dorm Room Moving: Frequently Asked Questions

Moving is never a fun or particularly fast process, and it is only natural to have some questions when the time to leave your dorm and return home rolls around. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about moving from your dorm, services moving companies may offer, and more.

What sort of services do some moving companies offer?

Many moving companies offer several bonus services to help customers as much as they can. Some companies offer full-service moving, which means that they will handle everything from loading and unloading your stuff, whole home packing, which is there the movers pack your things up for you, shipping services to ship your things home, and some even offer a storage solution if you need to store some important items away before, during, or after the moving process is complete.

To find out if the moving company you choose offers any of these services, simply inquire on the phone or on their website. 

How can I streamline the moving process?

Luckily, a dorm is smaller than the average apartment or house, so you won’t have to pack as much as someone packing up a whole house would need to worry about.

To really make the moving process simple and efficient, make a plan and begin packing a few weeks in advance if possible. You can categorize items by labeling boxes, and if done right, have everything packed up and ready to go when moving day comes.

What essential supplies will I need for moving? 

You will need plenty of cardboard boxes, newspapers and bubble wrap for wrapping dishes and breakables safely, packing tape and labels for categorizing your items, and suitcases for your clothing.

Now that your time in college is over and you’re about to be moving out of the dorm, you are ready to focus on your bright future. Don’t spend time worrying about the moving process when these easy tips can make it as simple and cheap as possible for you when you can be thinking about everything that life has in store for you next.

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